BMW i5 Flow NOSTOKANA - Color Changing Technology

Here’s a look at BMW’s i5 Flow NOSTOKANA, a concept car showcasing their color changing technology. Through electrically animated E Ink film segments, this vehicle essentially transforms into a life sized Hot Wheels car.

The car uses the work of African artist Esther Mahlangu to demonstrate the concept but you can imagine the possibilities.

The technology works by using electrically charged ink, which, when subjected to voltage, brings the individual colors to the surface.

Will we see this in the future? Will we be walking through a city where everything is an animated surface? (see Vegas Sphere)

This reminded me of Sony and Honda’s AFEELA concept car, which explored the idea of presenting content outside of the car. With that in mind, I can imagine the possibility of using this technology to display information such as petrol levels, battery levels or even have a debug mode to assist with servicing and repairs. Whether that’s practical or not, I’m not sure but it is interesting to explore these possibilities.

Are there interesting applications to this technology? Let me know what you think in the comments section below!